Charisma on Command

Tags: living communication relationships

This is a compilation from Charisma on Command Youtube Channel.

# How to Be Funny without Offending/Pleasing People (Andrew Schultz)

Youtube Link featuring Andrew Schultz Jokes in fun, but actions must show you're a nice genuine person.

  1. Joke with People You Obviously Like (ie: Friends)
    • If you follow with joke about someone else it's seen in good fun/no ill intent
    • Tease yourself first so friends know it's in fun
      • too much seems insecure
      • mixed in with jokes of others shows confidence
  2. Answer Questions with Absurd (Over the Top) Answers
    • Mix genuine answers with funny answers makes things more fun and not everything said taken at face value
  3. Mix Compliments While Teasing Others
    • Backhanded compliments
    • Nice without funny = Boring
    • Funny without being nice = Jerk
    • Compliments + Teasing = Fun
  4. Stereotype without Putting People Down
    • Charactertures/imitiations/impressions ok
    • Don't say anything negative or put down
  5. Tease Everyone, Don't Single Out a Group
    • Once you get someone to laugh at something they agree with, easier to get them to laugh at themselves

# How to be Charming without Trying (Emilia Clarke)

Youtube Link featuring Emilia Clarke!

  1. Frequent and Genuine Smile
    • Genuine smile uses eyes, fake ones don't
    • Allow yourself to find humor in everything
    • Highlight others around you, don't hold smiles/laughs back
  2. Build People Up
    • Be supportive, laugh with them not at them
    • Can stil tease people, but sneak in a compliment
  3. Raises the Energy in the Room
    • Doesn't just stay normal and blend in
    • Enthusiasm is one notch higher than those she's speaking to
  4. Be an Active Listener
    • Repeat words, or use reaffirming responses
  5. Make Other People Feel Good by Modeling How to Feel Good Yourself

Youtube Link featuring Chris Hemsworth.

  1. Be Funny/Joking/Playful
    • Do the opposite
    • Make jokes that elevate others (nice jokes), but don't look like a suckup
      • keep it short and move on
      • don't joke all the time, be genuine/serious too
    • Ok to share genuine/serious emotions (especially universal ones) without fearing judgement
      • Pride after working hard
      • Fear of not being good enough
      • Envy of success of others
  2. Touch
    • Touch everyone (to varying degrees) - conveys warmth, confidence, without singling anyone out (being creepy)
    • Adjust touch according to relationship
      • read their reactions (varies by culture)
      • don't hover touch - feels awkward
      • make it feel good, don't fear being touchy/feely
  3. Share Embarassing Things as if Not a Big Deal
    • Speaks without fear of judgement by others especially not being seen as "manly" enough
    • Shows comfortable in your own skin, transparent/not hiding anything from anyone
    • Gives you 2 options in life:
      • own what you do
      • don't do it
  4. Share Praise
    • Only compliment someone when you mean it - be genuine/not fake or suck up
    • People like humility
    • Builds trust in others and better relationships

# 3 Habits to be Charismatic/Charming (Chris Pratt)

Youtube Link featuring Chris Pratt.

  1. Self Amusement
    • Start by doing it/having fun alone (ie: dancing, videos)
    • Do it for you to make your life more fun
    • Do it during "get to know you phase"
  2. Reframe Ambiguous Situations in a Positive Light
    • Glass half full attitude in life even when could easily be seen as negative
  3. Complementary Jokes
    • Build people up than tear them down

# How To Turn Awkwardness Into Attraction (Aubrey Plaza)

Youtube Link featuring Aubrey Plaza.

  1. Call Out When You're Being Awkward
    • Cuts the tension - get's points for gutsy
    • Lean into awkward situation - run with it
    • Call out social norms mistakes
  2. Don't Get Flustered or Uncomfortable When Things Get Awkward
    • Act like it was planned in a joking manner
  3. Answering with 1 Word Responses
    • Add an extra sentence
  4. Not Matching Expressions with Words
    • Was expecting more energetic response
    • Use deadpan sarcastic/over-the-top response to get out of situation
    • Laugh at yourself or explain yourself
  5. Getting Caught in Awkward Silence
    • Hard pivot to save the conversation
      • do something even more awkward than the situation itself
    • Mindset
      • not doing what people expect of her and not being self-conscious
      • don't be so serious
      • not putting on airs
      • comfortable with your own awkwardness

Youtube Link featuring Keanu Reeves.

  1. Redirect Praise to Others
    • Can't take a compliment, thank them first then redirect
    • deflect with humor
  2. Exudes Zen-Like Presence
    • A loud word or two for emphasis makes things more interesting
  3. Enthusiastic Hand Gestures
    • NLP 101:
      • Audio: think it words; longer conversations; more sensitive to noises
      • Visual: tend to talk faster
      • Kinesthetic: talks slower, lots of gestures, words jumbled
    • Eye Direction When Thinking:
Visual Construct Visual Recall
Auditory Construct Auditory Recall
Kinesthetic Zone Internal Dialog Zone
  1. Generosity with People, Good Character
    • Time, money, compassion
    • Be willing to give
    • Doesn't worry about social media, material possessions
    • Think of yourself less, don't think of yourself less
    • Cares more about